It's a good book, but it's not my Typee...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

It seemed like a good idea at the time?

I adore MSN Now because they deliver all the news I care about (the weird and ridiculous stuff) and provide snarky commentary on it. I must thank them for drawing my attention to a recent faux pas by Vice magazine. Vice decided that depicting famous female writers offing themselves was a good way to market designer clothing. Cause what everyone must have said when they pulled Virginia Woolf out of the water was "Oh my gaw, look at those shoessssss."

Apparently, Vice has now yanked the offending article off their website, but click on the link above for the MSN Now page which includes a picture of a model portraying Sylvia Plath. She sits on the kitchen floor contemplating her open oven while wearing just the cutest little print dress. Just kidding...I mean she really is sitting there staring at the oven, but the dress is hideous. I wouldn't be caught dea--yeah never mind.

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