It's a good book, but it's not my Typee...

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Isn't it strange when you run across something obscure in two sources at the same time? It's sort of like learning a new word and then suddenly hearing it everywhere.

I often jump from book to book a lot, reading a bit in each one. And tonight I was reading Middlesex and Secret Lives of Great Filmmakers when I came across two mentions of "the Obscure Object". The first mention was in Secret Lives in the entry about Luis Bu
ñuel and his film, The Obscure Object of Desire. Not long after, I was reading Middlesex and the narrator used the phrase "the Obscure Object". As far as I can recall, tonight is the first time I've heard of the film or any other mention of that particular phrase. It gave me quite a jolt.

I don't know yet what the phrase means in the context of Middlesex, but it sometimes seems that these little coincidences are placed there, just waiting for me.

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