You had me at *nanny in a remote, creepy house with a mysterious employer*
3/5 stars
The Nesting has some weaknesses of logic and plot, but it thoroughly makes up for it in atmosphere. There are multiple red herrings and I'm not sure how I feel about them. They might also just be sidelines that fizzled out a bit.
This book is a solid 3 stars for sheer creepiness and entertainment value. The Norwegian setting is a huge bonus for me because Scandinavia ups the atmospheric score quite a bit. If I can know without the book even telling me that it is already dark outside at 3pm, I'm all about it.
We get an unreliable narrator, but for most of the book we can't be quite sure if she's imagining some or all of what is happening. Other characters certainly seem to be having odd experiences too. Do we have unreliable secondary characters as well? Or do we have an ancient Norwegian spirit haunting the premises? Or the ghost of a dead wife? Lexi finds herself surrounded by people who teem with secrets, some well hidden and others poorly so. Is a human being responsible for those bumps in the night? Better read it and find out.
I got my ebook for free from NetGalley for review purposes.
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