I'm tired of stuff.
There is a global battle against clutter and I'm a willing participant. Over the past couple of years I've donated, thrown away, and given away more things than some people own. The number probably approaches 10,000.
One thing my younger self couldn't imagine parting with was books. But we don't live in a house with a library or extra bedrooms. We live in a cozy 830 square foot house that contains one bookshelf. And I'm pretty happy about that arrangement. I have the advantage of indulgent parents who let me keep things in my old bedroom at their house, but I'm even purging things from there. So the former book hoarder is now ridding herself of books left and right.
If it's a book I don't love or can easily replace I get rid of it once I've read it. My friends and coworkers are probably tired by this point of me giving them things, but that's their problem. Every time I finish a book and pass it along it makes a little more space in my life. And I love that.